Out of the sinkhole

Friends: my time away was less relaxing than I had hoped.



Friends: my time away was less relaxing than I had hoped. That wind-up toy that sits on my shoulder and says “shouldn’t you be working?” turned out to be fully demon-possessed. It insisted on tagging along and made a big scene.

Also, the moment I went on vacation, things on my desk did fall apart, then the desk collapsed into a pile of dry-rot and the whole thing dropped into a sinkhole (figuratively). So it’s time to find a new place to work (literally).

Ask me about it sometime, and I’ll tell you the story.

I did, however, go swimming.

A divider with an drawing of flowers.

It hasn’t been totally relaxing, but the past few weeks have sharpened the questions I’ve been thinking about. Here are a few things I’m planning on exploring over the next few months:

  • Work, its discontents and alternatives.

  • Hope, as the antidote to anxiety (at a personal and social level) and as a particular relationship to the future.

  • New worlds, already existing in this one, and how to find them.

  • Strategy, and the relationship between struggling against unjust systems and building alternatives.

I’ve been away from the newsletter longer than I meant (the dry-rot sinkhole was a doozy), but now that I’m back, I have many things to share.

Meet me back here next week— There is a lot about pirates that I want to tell you.

Notes for a Living World by Dave Unger is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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